Nothing but a Wisp & a Drift

The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel. -Steven Furtick

Ever since I can remember I’ve struggled with an inferiority complex. A sense of being less than or not good enough. It does not come from a lack of support from my family or friends, nor it stands from a complete lack of self-confidence. Don’t get me wrong, I know my strengths but I guess I focus a whole lot on my weaknesses. I supposed it’s the artist that has lived in me all my life the reason why I feel the need for validation. But it’s not audience validation I’m seeking but a true sense of content with what I create.

I guess in this instance what I’m trying to say is, that when it comes to photography, I find myself in a tug-of-war between what I want to create vs what’s commercially profitable. I realized a while ago that what I like to create artistically doesn’t always translate to profit and in this world where profit tends to mean success, I’ve gotten lost in insecurities. Truth is, I might have found my balance. A beautiful balance between creating beautiful images for families and deep artistic-driven images for me.

This is why I created Soul Creative Project. A project of series where I can be raw and vulnerable with you. A series that shows my essence as an artist, the fun, vivacious, deep, and somber side of me. A side of me that for a long time I’ve kept hidden. With no hesitation nor regret, I move forward without any insecurity. This is me and this is what I can create.

Nothing but a wisp & a drift is about our vulnerability. Because sometimes, we may feel like nothing but a wisp & a drift. Vulnerable and unstable.


Make it stand out.